Filtration & Stabilisation
'Choosing the most suitable filtration method is key to achieving the best clarification and stability – and protecting wine quality.'
Benefits of crossflow filtration:
- Operation cost saving and efficiency
- Labour saving
- 24/7 autonomous operation
- Minimal impact on wine quality
- Minimal wine losses
- Faster filtration
- Handling high turbidity wines and juices. >600 NTU and beyond
- Less DO (dissolved oxygen) pickup.
We also offer mobile crossflow services. Visit our mobile services page.
'With so many filtration options - sound practical advice for the best solutions from experts is key to getting the best results.'
- Earth filters
- Lenticular filters
- Membrane filters
- Plate filters
- High solids
Read the article published in Vineyard magazine: ‘A new way to handle your bottoms.’
Read the article published in Vineyard magazine: ‘Earth RIP’
We also offer mobile filtration services. Visit our mobile services page.
'Prevention of tartrate precipitation is a critical step in wine production and BevTech offer many solutions to meet wineries requirements.'
- Insulated tanks with mixers for batch treatment
- Continuous cold stabilisation units from 20hl/hr
- Heat exchangers and chillers
We also offer mobile cold stabilisation services Visit our mobile services page.
Read the article on Continuous tartrate stabilisaton published in Vineyard magazine.